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Animal Reiki Sacred Harmony Reiki  | Reiki London
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Sacred Harmony Reiki Animal Reiki Ricky Nixon


Sacred Harmony Reiki for Animals is a gentle, yet effective complementary therapy that promotes deep relaxation and natural healing. Working with subtle energies to help heal the animal on many levels; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is non-invasive and uses no pressure or manipulation. It is a holistic therapy treating the cause of the problem and not just simply the presenting condition. Reiki is suitable for all animals and it works safely alongside Veterinary medicine.




  • Physical- injuries, stiffness, stomach trouble, loss of appetite, post operative recovery. Relieving aches and pains.  

  • Emotional - anxiety, mistreatment/bad experiences, nervous or timid dogs, also helps with depression, bereavement and loss.

  • Behavioural - separation anxiety and behavioural issues.

  • Owner & Animal relationship - develop a closer harmonious bond.

  • End of Life Care / Cancer / Help with Seizures.


We have such a deep sense of love for our pets and realise more and more how important our wellness and wellbeing is, so how about our beloved pets too? They have to live with us throughout all of our ups and downs! I believe it’s time to reinvest in their emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing too. A key to a happier, healthier life.


Animals have always been susceptible to our emotional and physical upheavals and shifts. They are masterful readers of energy. They know how you are feeling as soon as you walk into the room. Owners carry an array of stresses and strains that can ripple out and be transferred onto our pets. They are such curious, loving, supportive companions, who will take on our 'stuff', even when we don’t realise it. Breakdown in relationships, a change in home environment, job loss, a bereavement, perhaps an accident or injury, will affect and impact your pet. There are so many factors at play here on a daily basis. 


Sacred Harmony Reiki for Animals has been created to support your animal on many levels. It may relieve tension or alleviate fears, giving your animal a sense of peace. Helping to soothe and gently guide them to transition into a calmer, happier state of being. The more we can look after their inner wellbeing, the more it will benefit us too…hello to reduced stress for both of you, a tranquil environment, and a general sense of peace and calm just being in each others’ presence. 

what happens during a treatment? 

All family pets and animals are treated in the comfort of their own home and each appointment includes a consultation chat before and after the treatment to discuss progress and findings…with you. 

Firstly, I always begin with a 60min initial assessment, facilitation and reiki treatment which includes a 15min consultation and chat with the owner, just to get sense of what's been happening and the journey so far with your animal. This will also give me some insight into what your animal may energetically need during the session. 


I am guided by a letting the animal lead approach, enabling them to let me know if they are happy to proceed. This allows for choice, some may not want Reiki straight away and may walk off. Some may sit close by me, or even in my lap or in-between my legs. Some may even want to move around freely during the treatment. Animals will always let me know and guide the session. Perhaps you may have a new pet who is timid and fearful of touch, so a hands above may be the best way to begin. If it’s your pet, or one who obviously loves touch, the light hands-on method can be most welcome. It’s all about them, creating an awareness and dedicated space for their healing needs.


Delivering Reiki to animals is brilliant because you can physically see it working. Your pet will most likely relax and some will lie down and go into a deep sleep next to me. If they are having a release of some kind they maybe fidgety and unsettled for a while. Dogs can react in different ways and some may not show any obvious signs of relaxation during their treatment. They will wait until they are alone and then go to sleep to enjoy the healing energies. No matter how your pet responds, Reiki is giving them what they need in the moment they need it. 


“When I visit my parents, one of the first things I do, is sit down on the floor. Cooper; a very excitable Irish Terrier Jack Russell mix, comes to sit with me (usually on me!) and I simply deliver reiki energy to him. He calms and falls asleep, then takes himself to his bed to rest and recharge. Even living in London with housemates, we have two cats and one of them especially loves coming to lay on my bed whilst I’m working at my desk and I’ll gently deliver reiki to her. Our bond has grown and trust has been developed. She now visits more and stays for longer because it feels safe. There is something deeply moving and loving when an animal begins to understand you and your energy.“ ”


Reiki is great for animals and family pets and the length of a treatment may vary depending on the individual animal. Some will only need a shorter session (approx 30mins) of healing energy, while others may enjoy longer treatments (45-60mins). Your animal will decide how much they wish to receive and when they have had enough. 


Following a treatment, it is best to leave them be for a few of hours to fully absorb the energies and allow the healing to continue. They will feel calm and relaxed or they could be energised, every animal responds in their own way. They may drink more water than usual and pass more wind or faeces. This is normal, as Reiki helps the body to gently rebalance and release what is no longer needed. On occasion, after the session, you may need to let them out in the garden to flush or take them for a short walk, as the detoxification process begins.

Animal Reiki Sacred Harmony Reiki Cat | Reiki London

how many treatments?

Whilst a one-off 60min treatment would be beneficial, to get the most from Reiki a course of 4–6 treatments would be highly recommended. I treat every animal lovingly as my client and so sometimes fewer or more treatments are required. Again, this is something that can be discussed after the initial session with me. 

Side effects may include bonding

Animal Reiki London  | Reiki London

Interested in a Reiki Treatment for your pet, but unsure of the best way to proceed?


Contact me today.

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